Deadline for staff to respond: {9am on 10th August}
All staff please note Date ACTION completed refers to when the requested action is done (or planned to be done if outstanding) not this form is filled in.
Ref & Date Outstanding actions raised |
Action |
Officer |
Response including what is completed & outstanding |
Is Action Completed or Outstanding? |
Date Action completed or planned completion date? |
WAO1 (cont) (14.12.22) |
Follow up with Graham Dawes separately regarding action WAO1
Martin Reid |
This question was responded to in the last AP. Housing Manager, Robert Keelan has contacted Graham Dawes to ask for clarity on any outstanding matters. |
In progress |
WA1 |
Meet with Graham Dawes to discuss issues on estate/ recurring issues raised at Panel |
Martin Reid |
Housing Manager, Robert Keelan has contacted contact Graham Dawes to arrange a meeting.
In progress |
WA2 |
Meet with Muriel Briault to visit Valley Road |
Justine Harris |
Verbal update to be given at Area Panel